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 “Physiotherapy is a science-based profession and takes a ‘whole person’ approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle.

                 Chartered Society Physiotherapy


Physiotherapy helps to reduce pain by restoring movement and function of muscles, joints, nerves and soft tissue, after injury, operation or disability.


I take a whole body approach during an assessment to understand the complete picture and provide you with information about the diagnosis and a proposed treatment plan and realistic recovery time.

Physiotherapy treatment consists of a variety of techniques such as joint mobilisation and manipulation, soft tissue release, movement analysis-correcting posture, biomechanical foot and gait assessment, taping, acupuncture and exercise prescription.

As a working mother with two children I understand the need for convenience, which is why I provide a mobile physiotherapy service allowing you to be relaxed in your own environment.

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